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B4RN project launched

If you live in the countryside your broadband is likely to be slow and unreliable. The necessary investment for next generation rural broadband from the big telecom players is not happening. This is because it is very expensive for them to install better broadband and there are so few customers to sell services to. B4RN has been set up to do something about it…

Dec 15th Share forms now available here – the launch presentation with attached photos and videos is also on that link if anyone needs it.

B4RN is go!! We have passed the target number of households who want a true broadband connection. Company and share launch was 15th December. See the latest news page on the website. Latest News

Supporters page updated with video from Neelie Kroes the Vice-President of the European Commission and many more!

B4RN will go the extra mile and it will change your world.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Neil Blake
    December 30, 2011 at 8:57 pm

    Thank goodness someone has the skills and chutzpah to JFDI. We’re doing what we can to get Oxfordshire CC doing SOMETHING. Our strategy is “fix the worst first”. If we don’t do that, the disenfranchised will will die.

    BTW I expect public servants at all levels to be competent. If not, like the private sector, face the consequences.

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